Today, loneliness is an epidemic in our culture. How I long for the lonely to know and trust in the one who promised, “Never will I leave you,… read more
In my work with TWR, I've visited the African country of Malawi and participated in several radio distribution events. You see, in many parts of… read more
Whether we are rich or poor, it turns out that success, wealth, and possessions do nothing to quell the longing we all have for fulfillment. Without… read more
It's true that very few people in the United States listen to shortwave radio, but in certain closed countries around the world, shortwave radio… read more
The ancient Romans called the first month of the year January, naming it after the Roman god Janus. You see, Janus has two faces. One face looks back… read more
I still can't get used to Turkiye--the new name for the country of Turkey. Well, whether you call it Turkey or the preferred Turkiye, God is at… read more