How often do we feel like we have run out of steam? We feel like we cannot make it over the next hill as its shadow looms large over us weary… read more
On today's Footsteps, my friend and TWR colleague Harry Bettig tells the story of a TWR listener from Mogadishu, Somalia. When this young man… read more
If you come to the throne trusting only in what Jesus did for you, not in anything you have done, then you will find grace in your time of need.… read more
Not only does TWR broadcast the Gospel by way of radio, but we also distribute radios throughout the continent of Africa. And, we hand out these… read more
As we face challenges in our lives, there are a number of reasons we might not pray. We may tell ourselves that we are too busy to pray. We may think… read more
During their three-year expedition through the American Northwest, explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark relied on the help of Sacagawea as a… read more