Everything Concentrated

According to a TWR listener in Albania, the TWR Women of Hope "broadcast has everything concentrated." TWR's Harmony Rogers reads this… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Living by Faith

The author of the book of Hebrews tells us that, though Abraham did not take possession of the land God had promised him in his lifetime, he… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

House Arrest

"We have a colleague in North Africa ... and she came out of a very difficult situation," explain TWR's Nathan and Carol Anderson on… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps


As a sojourner in the City of Man, make sure that your allegiance to the City of God is undivided and uncompromised. Make sure that as you live in… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Way of Righteousness

At TWR, we often say "Hope knows no barriers." But, what about the barrier of religion? For instance, how can TWR reach listeners from a… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Remain Faithful to God’s Word

If we in the church would humble ourselves and repent of our sins, I believe God would lead us out of our spiritual and cultural exile. … read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Light in a Dark Culture

There are always consequences when God’s people cease to honor Him and obey His Word. When the Israelites turned their backs on God, He removed… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

An Exercise in Futility

The story of God’s confusing the languages at the tower of Babel is a familiar one. What is less familiar is the rebellion that motivated the… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

How a Great Mathematician Overcame Great Adversity

“Real happiness is to be found only in God himself; all other delights are but an empty shade, and are capable of yielding only momentary… read more

I Just Throw Out a Line

Does the thought of sharing your faith with others make you nervous? You say, "Absolutely! I don't know how to get a conversation like… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

In the Grips of Babylon

In the Bible, Babylon symbolizes every people or culture that opposes God. It was also a real place that earned a real reputation. Babylon was… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Man on a Plane

Do you remember an action/thriller film called "Snakes on a Plane?" It was released back in 2006. In the movie, hundreds of snakes were… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Living in the City of Man

No matter how many so-called advances we make as a society, spiritually we are no better off than those who have lived before us. As King Solomon… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

The Red Bandana

In the old Westerns, they said the hero was the guy in the white hat. … read more
Ron Hutchcraft A Word with You

If We Are Willing

During today's conversation with Anne Graham Lotz on Footsteps, I asked her how a person can prepare for greater service in God's kingdom? … read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

Turning from Darkness to Light

There’s a price to pay for sin. There’s a price to pay for adulterating God’s Truth. There’s a price to pay for ignoring… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

Contractor Dave

In 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIV), the apostle Paul describes how the many members in the body of Christ work together: … read more
Andy Napier Footsteps

We Cannot Tamper with Truth

God’s great indictment against Israel was that the Israelites willingly became “dialogue partners” and “collaborators”… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Leading the Way

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