In the world of global missions, by necessity, there is a great deal of cooperation and partnership between Christian ministries and missionary… read more
Today, loneliness is an epidemic in our culture. How I long for the lonely to know and trust in the one who promised, “Never will I leave you,… read more
The only time you truly know the value and strength of an anchor is during a storm. When the waters are rising around you and you are finding it hard… read more
Whether we are rich or poor, it turns out that success, wealth, and possessions do nothing to quell the longing we all have for fulfillment. Without… read more
The ancient Romans called the first month of the year January, naming it after the Roman god Janus. You see, Janus has two faces. One face looks back… read more
Consider for a moment an average person in an average home who wakes up early in the morning to beat everyone into the shower so that he can get… read more
I am truly honored and humbled to work alongside a wonderful staff at TWR. On today's Footsteps, it's my priviledge to introduce you to Ivan… read more
We can learn a lot from the conclusions King Solomon came to in Ecclesiastes. Today we will consider two more of his conclusions from Ecclesiastes… read more
How you view your life will make a world of difference in how you live your life. If you live your life viewing it from a Biblical perspective, it… read more
The Bible encourages us to study its prophetic passages—but the Bible also warns us not to become obsessed with predicting the dates and times.… read more
According to TWR President Lauren Libby, "2021 looked to be ... a disaster when we started because everybody was concerned about the pandemic,… read more
Could the doctrinal differences among Christians be a legitimate reason to reject the truth of historic Christianity? Some skeptics think so. In… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
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