One of my favorite things to do when I am on vacation is hike in the mountains and take in as much scenery and contact with wildlife as possible. The… read more
Even though our sins and trespasses were paid for on the cross, our sin still grieves the Holy Spirit, which is why we must continually remember our… read more
As He delivered the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was intentional about the order of what we call the beatitudes. He was leading us through the way of… read more
The Cauldron of Fire sounds more like a blockbuster movie or fantasy novel than the title of a Footsteps episode. But today's topic is not a… read more
I recently watched the trailer for Eternals, an upcoming movie release from Marvel Studios. A creation of legendary comic writer and artist Jack… read more
King David declares in Psalm 8:3, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place… read more
We are in constant spiritual warfare against Satan. He tries to enslave our bodies with addictions and excesses, our minds with heresies and… read more
As we fight against unseen foes this side of heaven, we must take hold of Truth. Scripture has invaluable instructions for us to equip us in our… read more
In Matthew 8:28-34, Jesus entered the region of Gadarenes and confronted two demon-possessed men. Upon seeing Jesus, the demons in the men cried out,… read more
Pete Walker has a passion for sharing his Christian faith with just about everyone he meets. And not only does Pete know how to clearly communicate… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps
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