We are, by nature, creatures of habit, easily lulled into complacency. However, God wants more from us, so He nudges us forward, compelling us to… read more
A 2017 study conducted by American Culture and Faith Institute revealed that only 39 percent of born again Christians believe they have a personal… read more
Since the very beginning of history, God has chosen to commission His people to testify to His name. Today, He is still calling His children to share… read more
What does the Word of God say to a believing wife who has an unbelieving husband? And by implication, what does the Scripture say to a believing… read more
Paul dedicated himself to telling people about the cure for the plague of sin. He never allowed their relentless attacks, false accusations, or… read more
Christians are often relieved to learn they are not responsible for saving souls; that role is divine and not ours. Just as a witness is not… read more
There are a variety of ways that people know God. Some people actually don’t know Him at all because they are unconverted and unsaved. But then… read more
Have you ever wondered how birds and insects can fly through heavy rainfall without adverse consequences? Researchers have discovered that their… read more
When the Samaritan woman accepted Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, she was instantly transformed into a new being. The woman at the well was so… read more
Jesus modeled how to share the Good News with people from very different backgrounds. What was His method? Love. In this story of the woman at the… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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