Science is truly one of the great intellectual enterprises that humankind has ever developed. But what exactly is science? Is it mainly a narrow… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Today, the walls of our culture are leaving our citizens defenseless. The gates of our culture are burnt and destroyed. Yet with all of these broken… read more
I am so thankful that today's guest on Footsteps, Dr. Ronnie Williamson of The Voice in the Wilderness (Ashveille, NC), has introduced us to… read more
One of the beautiful bounties and benefits of being a kingdom steward is that the Owner takes ultimate responsibility for His management team. When… read more
Does science provide evidence for the biblically consistent idea of altruism? Are people more able to endure pain with the knowledge that their… read more
In Nehemiah 1, we see that Nehemiah was an ordinary layman who wanted his life to count for God. From the time he received the account from the men… read more
People respond to bad news in various ways. Some get angry and put their fist through the wall. Others become depressed and despondent. In Nehemiah… read more
Many people today have right beliefs. They would agree that the Bible is the Word of God. They would contend that Jesus is the Son of God. They might… read more
A city’s walls keep her enemies from advancing. They protect the people inside from harm. They offer protection and a clear border that all can… read more
God is different from humanity in so many ways—in His purity, His righteousness, and His inability to ignore sin. This is why our culture is so… read more
Jewish-American social critic Dennis Prager says he is often asked what was the greatest revelation he derived from his research into ancient… read more
Can we learn much from brief philosophical statements? Regular readers of my blog know that I occasionally feature the segment Friday Philosophy,… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
If we’re honest with ourselves, we all know how to paint ourselves in the best light. If we keep up the charade, we know just what to say to… read more
For many, going to work can be a real chore. Dealing with unreasonable employers, co-workers, and customers can make having a job an unpleasant… read more
When Wayne Gretzky retired from playing professional hockey, National Hockey League fans referred to his departure as the end of greatness. Nicknamed… read more
Sin first entered the world when Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie and ate fruit God had forbidden them to eat. They disobeyed, choosing their… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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