In the Garden of Eden, God gave the first man an incredible gift: a wife. She was the one who fit him perfectly—custom-designed by God to be… read more
The mighty Achilles and a tortoise agree to a race of 100 meters. To make things fair, Achilles gives the tortoise a 50-meter head start. When the… read more
Do you ever wonder why answers to prayer tarry? Is it that God is teaching us to wait? Are we not correctly hearing the voice of God? Is God trying… read more
While Peter’s first letter focused mainly on the persecution of the church coming from outside it, this second letter highlights some of the… read more
When we have godly wisdom, we see things from an eternal perspective—not from a worldly, temporal perspective. And when we see things from an… read more
When your doctor examines you, having a good appetite is considered one of the indicators of your health. Consistent loss of appetite is, on the… read more
Anyone who is alive knows what it is to suffer. All of us, in small ways or large, have known the pain that life sometimes brings. Some people… read more
Knowledge and wisdom are closely related, but there is a difference. Knowledge is the storing up of information, and wisdom is the ability to apply… read more