A Strategic Time
I enjoy a good game of chess. When playing chess, a player must incorporate both strategy and tactics. Here's a simple explanation of the two terms: "A strategy is a long term plan or idea," and "a tactic is a short sequence of moves."(1)
On today's Footsteps, TWR President Lauren Libby maintains that giving to the Lord's work in December is "a strategic investment, and this is a strategic time of the year." Why? Because as a large number of gifts are given in December, it allows ministries like TWR to plan and budget for the future. Truly, it's more strategic than tactical. And, think about this fact: by supporting TWR, you are part of God's long term strategy of fulfilling the Great Commission!
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(Photo of TWR President Lauren Libby)
1. "The Difference Between Chess Strategy and Tactics," ChessForNovices.com, accessed December 21, 2017, http://www.chessfornovices.com/chessstrategyvstactics.html.