The longer we walk down the road with God, the more self-aware we must become. To go the distance, we cannot wander aimlessly toward God, oblivious to our surroundings. It takes focus and determination, as well as a heart bent on serving Him and putting Him above everything else in our lives.


As we pause to analyze our hearts, we must be on the lookout for anything that would open the door to sin in our lives. As David faced trial after trial, he tried to stay focused on the Lord. It’s when he lost his focus that he found disaster waiting around the next bend.


By keeping your mind and heart set on God, you can be on the lookout for the very things that can trip you up spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. If you feel bored, lonely, tired, or rejected, beware. These feelings can betray you and lead you to sin. If you slip into laziness and refuse to hear God's Truth, you may also be strolling down a dangerous path.


When we choose to be led by our flesh—which is what happens when we allow our feelings to tempt us into acting contrary to God's Word—we are destined to sin. God loves us dearly, and He desires the best for our lives.


To serve and honor Him at every turn in life, we must follow the voice of the Holy Spirit and not our flesh. In our desire to live holy and righteous lives, we must determine to rely upon Him for guidance and direction. When we do, we will avoid potential pitfalls and heartache.


Prayer: Lord, allow Your Holy Spirit to be the voice of direction for my life today. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


“Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness” (Romans 6:13).

Check out more from Dr. Michael Youssef, here!

About The Author

Dr. Michael Youssef

Michael Youssef, Ph.D., është themeluesi dhe presidenti i organizatës Rruga me Dr. Michael Youssef. Dr. Youssef u lind në Egjipt, jetoi në Liban dhe Australi para se të vinte në Shtetet e Bashkuara. Në vitin 1984, ai përmbushi një ëndërr të fëmijërisë për t’u bërë një qytetar amerikan. Ai ka diploma nga kolegji Moore në Sidney, Australi dhe nga Seminari teologjik Fuller në Kaliforni. Në 1984, ai mori dhe doktoraturën në antropologjinë sociale nga universiteti Emory. Ai është autori i më shumë se 29 librave, përfshirë këtu edhe Ana e verbër: Zaptimet radikale islamike. Ai dhe gruaja e tij banojnë në Atlanta dhe kanë 4 fëmijë të rritur dhe 7 nipër e mbesa.

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