Who We Are in Christ
Belonging to Christ is a great privilege. As members of the body of Christ here on earth, we share a collective identity. We are His people, and together we have a transformed identity.
In 1 Peter 2:4-11, Peter illustrates six facets of our collective identity in Christ.
First, we are living stones (v. 5). Like physical stones, each of us has our own unique set of qualities. Through these unique spiritual gifts and purposes, the Lord shapes us so that we fit into the perfect place within the body of Christ—a place that no one else can fill.
Second, we are members of a chosen race (v. 9). We, the elect of God from every nation and every generation, are now God’s chosen race regardless of our physical descent. We are those who have been adopted by grace.
Third, we are a royal priesthood (v. 9). As children of the King, we are commissioned to be His messengers to the world. As we offer a sacrifice of praise, worship, and adoration to God, we intercede on behalf of others.
Fourth, we are a holy nation, made up of people from every tribe and tongue on the face of the earth (v. 9). As citizens of this heavenly nation, we are to be holy as God is holy.
Fifth, we are God’s own treasured possession (v. 9). Consider your own most treasured possession and how much love, time, and care you pour into it. Now, allow yourself to wonder at the fact that this is how God feels about us.
Finally, we are sojourners and travelers in this world (v. 11). For those of us who love Jesus, a great home awaits us once our earthly tour is complete: eternity with our gracious heavenly Father.
Before we come to Christ, we are dead in our sins. We have no real spiritual identity. But now we are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that [we] may declare the praises of Him who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). Hallelujah! We are the people of God. Therefore, let us love Him with all our hearts, worship Him with all our strength, and serve Him with all that we are.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the body of believers who together represent Your Kingdom on earth. Thank You for these friends in the faith. Unify us in Your Truth, that we may shine Your light to a world in darkness. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).
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