"My mother and I are thrilled!" exclaims a TWR listener on today's Footsteps.  Why?  Because these two Cuban women are hearing "another way of thinking on the radio."  I must admit that I had not thought of this obvious draw to TWR's programming.  Imagine for a moment that you live in a country like Cuba, China, or North Korea.  The government controls the media.  You only hear one side of issues.  You hear what the government wants you to hear.  Then one day, you stumble across a new radio station.  It's called TWR.  The programs offer a different perspective on life, and even though you are not a Christian, you keep listening simply because you are curious.  You see, this scenario is being repeated by countless non-Christians around the world today.  Possibly, millions of people will tune in to TWR looking for "another way of thinking," and through the work of the Holy Spirit, some of them will come to faith in Jesus!    

Click here to learn more about TWR's outreach to Cuba

Click here to listen to Footsteps' Latest Program

Click here to visit Footsteps

(Photo of Havanna, Cuba)





About The Author

Andy Napier

Andy Napier is the host and producer of TWR’s 2-minute daily feature called “Footsteps.” Previously, Andy served for 24 years with WMBW (Moody Radio Chattanooga, Tennessee) in several capacities including Program Director and Host of the Morning Program. Andy and his wife, Kathy, along with their two boys, Sam (13) and John Edward (10), made the move to North Carolina in October of 2013 to serve as missionaries with TWR.

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