The Iron Door
In an episode of The Andy Griffith Show called "One-Punch Opie," Deputy Barney Fife gives young Opie and several of his buddies a lecture in the Mayberry Jail. Barney warns the boys about a life of crime.
"Where did it all begin? It began one fine day on a street corner when he broke a street lamp. Where did it all end? Right here. Yes, take a good look boys, because it definitely is no fun when that iron door clangs shut."(1) At that point, Barney embarrassingly locks himself in one of the jail cells.
While I find Barney and The Andy Griffith Show hillarious, Barbara Kohl tells a story on today's Footsteps that is no laughing matter. During a trip to Turkey, Barbara and her husband Manfred teamed up with Elam Ministries in training church leaders who happened to be Iranian refugees. As a result of persecution, Barbara shared that "The first time we were there, we had our classes at the top floor of a church, and we had an iron door that was locked behind us." Imagine having to study God's Word behind "an iron door" for fear of being caught. And to use Barney Fife's question, "Where did it all begin?" In the case of these refugees, their lives changed in multiple ways when they accepted Jesus as their Savior.
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(Photo of Manfred and Barbara Kohl)
1. "One-Punch Opie," The Andy Griffith Show, originally aired December 31, 1962.