A Vision and Heart for Northern Cyprus
As you'll hear on today's Footsteps, the Mediterranean island country of Cyprus is divided. The southern part of Cyprus is Greek while the northern part is Turkish, and according to TWR's Nathan Anderson, this northern area of Cyprus is "not an easy environment in which to do ministry." But, there is some good news! Nathan goes on to explain that "TWR is working together with other ministries that really have a vision and a heart for the northern part of Cyprus." As TWR and these other ministries are laboring together, how can you and I join them? How can we develop this same "vision" and "heart" for Northern Cyprus? Obviously, we can read books and watch videos about the region. For those of us who are more adventurous, we can visit Cyprus. Also, we can financially support ministries that are doing work in the region. Remember, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21, ESV). Finally, we all can pray. So, as we learn, give, possibly go, and certainly pray, I have no doubt that God will soften our hearts for the people of Northern Cyprus.
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(Photo by Artem B on Unsplash)