Back into the War Zone
As a history buff, I've read countless books about the American Civil War, and I've watched numerous movies and documentaries about World War II. While I've read about battles, and I've seen images of battlefields, I have no firsthand experience of being in a war zone. However, on today's Footsteps, my colleague Harry Bettig tells the story of a TWR listener in Eastern Ukraine whose house was bombed during the conflict with Russia. But, even in the midst of shooting, this listener "went back into the war zone to retrieve her radio." So, what was so important about her radio? It wasn't the radio itself. It was the biblical content and the various voices that came through her radio that had touched her life.
Now, let's make this personal. Have you been impacted by Christian radio? How important is it in your life? Why and how has God used Christian radio to minister to you? Now, let me ask one more question--is your favorite Christian radio station, network, program, or ministry worth supporting?
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(Photo of TWR's Harry Bettig)