I Wasted My Life
Alberto Gonzelez, TWR's ministry director for Cuba, tells the story on today's Footsteps of a Cuban man who was not interested in listening to Christian radio until he discovered that Alberto's program was actually produced in Cuba. That made a huge difference to him. Later, after becoming a Christian, he told Alberto, "I wasted my life not listening about Jesus Christ."
This man's statement reminded me of a book from John Piper called "Don't Waste Your Life." At the end of the final chapter, the author prays, "Forbid that any Lord, who read these words would have to say someday, 'I've wasted it.' But grant, by your almighty Spirit and your piercing Word, that we who name Christ as the Lord would treasure him above our lives, and feel, deep in our souls, that Christ is life and death is gain. And so may we display his worth for all to see. And by our prizing him may he be praised in all the world." (1)
As believers in Christ, let's not waste our lives on anything less that growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and coming to treasure Him above all else.
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(Photo of Alberto Gonzalez, TWR's Ministry Director for Cuba)
(1) John Piper, Don't Waste Your Life (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 2007), 189, accessed May 19, 2016, http://document.desiringgod.org/don-t-waste-your-life-en.pdf?1446647175.