Genesis 12 tells the story of when God came to Abraham and told him to leave his homeland, his country, and his family. He called Abraham to go to a land that He would reveal to Him. He wouldn’t know the destination until he arrived. He had to journey in faith. With these instructions came a promise: if you will trust Me in this journey, then you will be blessed. I will bless your seed, and through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

God told Abraham that He would be his GPS. He wouldn’t have all the directions for the journey in advance, but God would lead and guide him each step of the way. God was calling him on a pilgrimage of faith. This would be a pilgrimage that would transform his life and bring him into a deeper experience with God than he’d ever imagined.

God calls each of us to undertake a pilgrimage. He wants to take us places we’ve never been, and we don’t know in advance how to get there. But God expects us to take this journey by faith. Step by step, we move along in the confidence that God, our personal GPS, knows exactly where He is taking us.

God calls each of us to undertake a pilgrimage.

For this journey, the only thing we have to know is who we are following. We follow Him by attending to the words He has given us in Scripture. We follow Him as we listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who shows us how to apply these truths to each step we take. We move ahead by faith. 

You and I will never arrive where God wants us to be if we are not willing to move by faith. If you have to have everything all mapped out beforehand, this means that you aren’t living by faith. Living by sight is so much different than living by faith. God wants you to trust in Him because He is trustworthy. Even when the way is unclear and doesn’t make sense to us, we must trust in Him, just as Abraham did.

Hebrews 11 tells us that Abraham was looking for a city whose builder and maker was God. If you and I are going to live our life’s journey by faith, like Abraham we need an eternal perspective. We must keep our eyes open toward heaven if we want clarity about the steps we need to take on earth. We must possess eyes of faith.

A journey is made up of a lot of decisions and choices.

A journey is made up of a lot of decisions and choices. So are our lives. We have so many questions: Should I go here or there? Where should I work? Whom should I marry? How should I spend my money? Our answers to these questions will determine our destination. 

Many of us have regrets about times we turned in the wrong direction or followed the wrong path. It looked right at the time, but it ended up being wrong. The difference between God and us is that He has a long-term view . . . and we are short-sighted.

You have a life to live, a journey to travel, and a pilgrimage to take. Keep your eyes focused on heaven so that God can guide you on earth. When you journey with God’s guidance, you’ll wind up in the place of blessing—exactly the place that God has prescribed for your life. He’ll get the glory, you’ll get the good, and others will be blessed by the life you’ve lived.

Check out more from Dr. Tony Evans

About The Author

Dr. Tony Evans

Dr. Tony Evans is one of the country’s most respected leaders in evangelical circles. As a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.

At the heart of this vision is the use of church and school partnerships to effect spiritual and social change in communities. Dr. Evans’ church and school outreach philosophy has been attributed as a catalyst for former President George W. Bush’s Faith Based Initiative, which was his first formal act of office. Dr. Evans seeks to train churches, schools and volunteers in this philosophy, as well as in the functional practicalities, through the National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative which is a ministry underneath the umbrella of The Urban Alternative.

Dr. Evans serves as president of The Urban Alternative, a national ministry that seeks to restore hope and transform lives through the proclamation and the application of the Word of God. His daily radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 850 radio outlets throughout the United States and in more than 80 countries.

Dr. Evans has written numerous books and booklets including his legacy work, Oneness Embraced, as well as his vision work, The Kingdom Agenda. Some of his most recent books includes, Kingdom Man, A Moment For Your Soul, Marriage Matters, and Victory in Spiritual Warfare.

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