In the Parking Lot of a Laundromat
"Encouraging you to carry the Good News to your family, neighborhood, and the world, this is Footsteps from TWR." That's the way many episodes of Footsteps begin. You see, this 2-minute daily radio program is designed to better equip you to get more involved in Jesus' Great Commission--to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19a, NKJV)--and that includes sharing the Gospel with people in your own community.
Now, I'm not writing this blog to put pressure on you, and I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. My intention is to encourage you. Remember, we are not alone in the Great Commission. Jesus is with us. Before He told us to "go," He pointed out, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth" (Matthew 28:18b, NKJV). Then, in the verse that follows the command to "go," Jesus assures us, "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20b, NKJV). So, knowing that you have the authority and presence of Jesus, I pray that you will have more confidence in carrying the Gospel to your neighbors. You never know, in the coming days, you might just wind up sharing your faith with someone in the parking lot of a nearby laundromat. That's what happened to Evangelism Explosion President John Sorrensen. He tells the story on today's Footsteps. Don't miss it.
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(Photo of John Sorensen and Andy Napier)