God has blessed TWR with a gigantic mass media presence that reaches people in at least 190 countries, and as TWR President Lauren Libby points out on today's Footsteps, "The amazing thing is we have not gone into debt for any projects over the last 15 years."  How is this possible?  Through the faithful giving of individuals and churches who support TWR projects, missionaires, and our general fund.  But above all, it's Almighty God who has called us to this work and provided for every need.  After all, "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" (James 1:17, NASB).

May God be praised for the great work that He is accomplishing through TWR and through you! 

Click here to learn about TWR's Work around the World

Click here to learn about Service Opportunities with TWR

Click here to listen to Footsteps' Latest Program

Click here to visit Footsteps

(Photo of TWR President Lauren Libby)



About The Author

Andy Napier

Andy Napier is the host and producer of TWR’s 2-minute daily feature called “Footsteps.” Previously, Andy served for 24 years with WMBW (Moody Radio Chattanooga, Tennessee) in several capacities including Program Director and Host of the Morning Program. Andy and his wife, Kathy, along with their two boys, Sam (13) and John Edward (10), made the move to North Carolina in October of 2013 to serve as missionaries with TWR.

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