Back in 2015, I recorded an interview with a missionary to a dangerous area in West Africa.  For security reasons, we called him "John."  I've never forgotten something that John told me, "The most safe place to be is in the center of God's will for your life, and the most dangerous place to be is outside of His will for your life."  Well, on today's Footsteps, Jason and Adina Helmholdt echo John's confidence.  Jason, Adina, and their four children serve as TWR missionaries on the Caribbean island of Bonaire.  Often the couple has been asked, "Aren't you scared bringing your kids to a place you don't know?"  You'll hear their response on today's Footsteps.

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(Photo of TWR's Adina and Jason Helmholdt)



Acerca del autor

Andy Napier

Andy Napier is the host and producer of TWR’s 2-minute daily feature called “Footsteps.” Previously, Andy served for 24 years with WMBW (Moody Radio Chattanooga, Tennessee) in several capacities including Program Director and Host of the Morning Program. Andy and his wife, Kathy, along with their two boys, Sam (13) and John Edward (10), made the move to North Carolina in October of 2013 to serve as missionaries with TWR.

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