Under a Car
On today's Footsteps, TWR's Bill Mial tells the story of a South African man who came to Christ while he was working under his car. By the way, you really should listen to the full story! Anyway, his story brings up an interesting question: Can a person come to Christ anywhere? Or, should he be in a church where he can walk down the aisle? My answer is that the physical location makes no difference. It's a heart issue. But instead of relying on my opinion, let me quote Mark Dever:
"And what is the prescribed response? Is it to walk down an aisle? Is it to fill out a card, or to lift up a hand? Is it to make an appointment with a preacher, or to decide to be baptized and join the church? While any of those things may be involved, none of them necessarily is. The response of the Good News--the message that Paul preached and other Christians preached throughout the New Testament--is to repent and believe."(1)
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(Photo of Andy Napier and Bill Mial)
1. Mark Dever, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2000), 77, as quoted online at "Grace Quotes," accessed September 21, 2016, http://gracequotes.org/topic/salvation-means/.