One of the foes to our faithfulness to God is indifference to His Word. We lose a capacity for faithfulness when we lose our zeal, our ardor, our “first love,” our deep desire to stand up for the Truth and to witness to the lost. Those who are authentically filled with God’s Spirit are excited about the things of God. They rejoice at the salvation of lost souls. They delight in seeing God at work. They are enthusiastically eager to worship God and serve Him.


If you are genuinely faithful, you will find yourself actively pursuing a relationship with God. Are you spending time praising and thanking Him, confessing your sins to Him, and listening to what He speaks to you from His Word? Faithfulness also involves a desire to know God’s Truth. Are you seeking to grow in your understanding of God’s principles, purposes, and promises? Do you read and study the Bible on a daily basis?


Faithfulness not only demands a growing relationship with God, but also the hard work of growing relationships with believers. It means going to church even when you don’t feel like it and developing friendships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25).


Faithfulness produces a deep assurance that we are connected to God with a bond that cannot be broken and that extends into eternity. God’s faithfulness to us leads to our faithfulness to Him and to other people.


Prayer: God, thank You for being faithful to me even when I have been unfaithful. I pray that You would reveal to me specific ways in which I can be more faithful to You and to others. Help me to stay zealous for You and Your Word. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9).

Check out more from Dr. Youssef here!

About The Author

Dr. Michael Youssef

Michael Youssef, Ph.D., është themeluesi dhe presidenti i organizatës Rruga me Dr. Michael Youssef. Dr. Youssef u lind në Egjipt, jetoi në Liban dhe Australi para se të vinte në Shtetet e Bashkuara. Në vitin 1984, ai përmbushi një ëndërr të fëmijërisë për t’u bërë një qytetar amerikan. Ai ka diploma nga kolegji Moore në Sidney, Australi dhe nga Seminari teologjik Fuller në Kaliforni. Në 1984, ai mori dhe doktoraturën në antropologjinë sociale nga universiteti Emory. Ai është autori i më shumë se 29 librave, përfshirë këtu edhe Ana e verbër: Zaptimet radikale islamike. Ai dhe gruaja e tij banojnë në Atlanta dhe kanë 4 fëmijë të rritur dhe 7 nipër e mbesa.

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