Don't You Know?
The Uyghurs are a minority people group that live primarily in Northwest China. And, on today's Footsteps, TWR missionaries Nick and Debbie Siemens tell the story of some Uyghurs who couldn't wait to finish their job assignments and leave work a little early. The project supervisor finally asked, "What is it that makes you want to go home ... fifteen minutes early?" One Uyghur man responded, "Don't you know? It's the programs on the radio." Those programs are broadcast by TWR in the Uyghur language, and obviously, they are making a difference. In fact, I would say the Uyghurs are "blessed" by them. Why? Think about Psalm 112:1 (ESV): "Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!" So, here's a question for you and me today: Are we as excited as these Uyghur people about reading or listening to the Bible? Are we "greatly delighting" in the study of God's Word?
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(Photo of TWR's Nick and Debbie Siemens)