Can we learn much from brief philosophical statements? Regular readers of my blog know that I occasionally feature the segment Friday Philosophy,… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
If we’re honest with ourselves, we all know how to paint ourselves in the best light. If we keep up the charade, we know just what to say to… read more
For many, going to work can be a real chore. Dealing with unreasonable employers, co-workers, and customers can make having a job an unpleasant… read more
When Wayne Gretzky retired from playing professional hockey, National Hockey League fans referred to his departure as the end of greatness. Nicknamed… read more
Sin first entered the world when Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie and ate fruit God had forbidden them to eat. They disobeyed, choosing their… read more
In today’s culture, we are confronted with all kinds of tempting philosophies. In order to find the right path in this depraved world, we must… read more
One of the biggest challenges of living in this world is that each one of us has a traitor working against us on the inside, what the Bible calls our… read more
For the lost, the Gospel is a foolish, unconventional message: The Son of God became a man, lived in poverty, then died on a cross, was buried, only… read more
An American football field is 100 yards long between end zones, and when a team's offense takes the field near its own goal line, the thought of… read more
Finding our way in a sin-sick world can be a challenge. Who can we follow to live a life that pleases God? Who can we trust never to let us down?… read more
The historical conflict goes by a number of names: the Great War, the War to End All Wars, and later, World War I (1914–1918). Though World War… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
North Dakota's a long way from Wuhan, China. But our friend Wes has been seeing more and more customers wearing masks in the local Walmart. He… read more
Nearly every day, it seems people invent a new way to shake their fists at God and His Word. As believers living in this sin-sick world, we must take… read more
God wants you to maximize your potential on earth. He seeks to do this by incentivizing what you do. He has laid out incentives for you to aim for… read more
Dr. Tony EvansThe Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans
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