Have you ever been ashamed of the Gospel? It’s not something Christians like to admit, but we all have experienced this feeling at some point.… read more
Jesus told many stories and parables about God’s nature to drive home a point to the Pharisees and teachers of the law. They had become more… read more
Have you ever considered that your true home is heaven, in the presence of our Holy Father? It is not God who is distant. Instead, it is you and I.… read more
Anyone who has studied the Bible for any length of time knows that while the central message of Scripture is simple to comprehend, there are many… read more
Jewish-American social critic Dennis Prager says he is often asked what was the greatest revelation he derived from his research into ancient… read more
Death is a frightening and mysterious subject. Ignorance only increases our confusion and fear. Knowledge brings blessing. So Paul wants the… read more
If you have ever tried to read a book by candlelight during a power blackout, you know that the dim and flickering flame provides poor illumination… read more
Sometimes in his letters, Paul seems so strong and confident, so full of faith, that he appears to be a spiritual superhero. But Paul was as human as… read more
How do you build your life on the solid rock of Jesus Christ? By holding on to something that is secure and immovable. That’s why Paul says,… read more
The nuclear aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower has four and a half acres of flight deck, a displacement of 95,000 tons, and can launch sixty aircraft.… read more
Have you ever wondered what good stewardship entails and why it matters? A faithful steward does not allow pride, greed, or the desire to be popular… read more
God wants us to have a realistic and balanced view of Satan and his influence. The Bible clearly teaches that Satan and his demons are real, that… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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