Jesus is the founding father of a new creation. In the Old Testament, few individuals had a close relationship with God; most people relied on… read more
Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, God told Isaiah about the Messiah, describing Him with titles. The third title given for Jesus is… read more
We tend to look upon the Christ-child as a helpless babe. But even as a baby, Jesus was Mighty God. Throughout His earthly life, Jesus demonstrated… read more
God, the sovereign Creator, had the ability to choose any titles He wanted to tell the world about His Son Jesus. Seven hundred years before Jesus… read more
In the Bible, we see great value placed on names and several instances of God giving a new name to His people along with a new life or mission. Sarai… read more
Tradition dictates the way many of us celebrate Christmas. We have traditions for how and where we spend time with family, how we decorate, when we… read more
In our fascination with end times prophecy, we tend to forget that the spirit of the Antichrist is already among us. The Antichrist with a capital A… read more
In Revelation 8 we see a precious golden bowl at the breaking of the seventh seal during the Great Tribulation. In this bowl are the prayers of the… read more
Through thousands of years of human history, human sin, and human rebellion, God has been patient. He has withheld His judgment and wrath, in… read more
Today, there are professing Christians who believe that being a good person is the path to salvation. They do not feel like they need someone to save… read more
For some, Christmas is about cultural traditions and social obligations. The centrality of Christ in the Christmas season comes under attack from… read more