How does the defense of the faith (apologetics) influence a person’s embracing the Christian faith (conversion)? In historic Christianity the… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
In historic Christianity the field of apologetics (a reasoned defense of the faith) is considered a branch of theology. Apologetics often has a close… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
On my Facebook and Twitter pages I have implemented a weekly segment called #WednesdayWisdom, where I provide quotes from significant scholars from… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
On my Facebook and Twitter pages I have a weekly segment called Thursday Theology, where I provide quotes from important theological thinkers past… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Throughout my professional career as both a college professor and a Christian scholar I have been asked thousands of questions. However, whenever… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Augustine of Hippo (354–430) was born in North Africa to a pagan father and a Christian mother. Following a youth and an early career steeped… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
On my Facebook and Twitter pages I have a weekly segment called Wednesday Wisdom, where I provide quotes from great thinkers in various fields. One… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Recently someone asked me how you can know if you have had a successful apologetics encounter. My immediate answer was that defending the faith… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Virtually every human being seeks to find an overarching purpose in life. As part of this common pursuit, people naturally attach themselves to… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
Science-minded people today may find it surprising to learn that a person who lived 1,600 years ago offers sensible insights on creation, but such is… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
What is the best Christian book of all time? (Outside of the Bible, of course.) And how could something as grand as that claim ever be determined?… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
One of the central thinkers of modern American evangelicalism, Norman L. Geisler (1932–2019), died recently. He was a Christian philosopher,… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks