Jonah’s call to witness to the Ninevites was no easy task. These were not peaceful, easygoing pagans. This large city was the capital of the… read more
Have you ever desired something so strongly that you spent hours and hours in prayer over it, even though you knew in your heart that it was not… read more
Many Christians desire to see a great harvest of souls, but the work may seem daunting. So many sin barriers, cultural barriers, and faith barriers… read more
There are billions of people who have never heard the saving message of the Gospel. For the multitudes living in the least evangelized areas of the… read more
In June 2009, the Long family woke up to their worst nightmare. Their 23-year-old son, a private in the U.S. army, had been gunned down by an Islamic… read more
We all have a role in spreading the Gospel message until the day of Christ’s return. Yet many of us routinely fail to follow through on this… read more