As a biochemist, I have come up with a radical new diet plan: Eat less and exercise more. Yet, recent work by a research team led by Herman Pontzer… read more
The designs found in biological systems never cease to amaze me. Even something as gross and seemingly insignificant as hagfish slime displays… read more
“A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that… read more
What is the proper relationship between science and the Christian faith? Answering that question can be complicated, involving an interplay between… read more
Is there a bona fide scientific challenge to the age of the Earth, which is measured to be 4.5 billion years old? As an old-earth creationist (OEC),… read more
I wouldn’t classify it as a bucket-list experience, but it was off-the-charts cool to see a duck-billed platypus up close a few years ago when… read more
Because I am a Christian, I see evidence for design in the biological realm. But for me, the converse is also true. Because I see design in the… read more
A few months ago, I had a serious accident while shooting a compound bow in my backyard. The arrow jammed in the guide, and in my attempt to free the… read more
When I was a kid, I played a lot of sandlot football. And nothing was more fun than playing football after a hard rain on a muddy field. It was a… read more