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The Disciples' Identity - Part 1: You in Christ

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Identity - Part 2: Christ in You

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Mission

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Mind

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Emotions

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Body

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Will

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Disciples' Relationships

Christ did not command us to “do” a list of things for Him or for God. Rather, He told us simply to “abide in Him,” which means to remain in Christ. What does that look like in the life of a Christ-follower?

The Gospel and Womanhood

As we saw in the Lifeblood series, the Gospel forms the foundation for who we are. However, Scripture teaches that the Gospel not only affects who we are; it transforms how we relate to each other.

The Gospel and Marriage

As we saw in the Lifeblood series, the Gospel forms the foundation for who we are. However, Scripture teaches that the Gospel not only affects who we are; it transforms how we relate to each other.

The Gospel and Parents

As we saw in the Lifeblood series, the Gospel forms the foundation for who we are. However, Scripture teaches that the Gospel not only affects who we are; it transforms how we relate to each other.

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