My360 Helper

Series 13 - Talk 04 - Stewardship of the Mind and Emotions

We are to love God with heart, mind and soul. In other words our total being should be dedicated to God and subjected to His will if we want to be good stewards of His property.

Series 13 - Talk 03 - Principle 4 - a Steward Must Always Act Within Boundaries. Leaders Also have to be Accountable

A steward must always act within boundaries. To go outside of God's will is sin and has a consequence. To the unbeliever- death and believer- loss of reward.Both stewards and leaders also are accountable for their decisions.

Series 13 - Talk 02 - Review Principle 2 - It is The Owner who Determines the Purpose and Usage of His Property. Principle 3 The main purpose of a steward is to add value

It is the owner who determines the purpose and usage of his property. The main purpose of a steward is to add value to that which has been entrusted to him.

Series 13 - Talk 01 - Principle 1 - the God who Owns all Things has Made Us Stewards of What Belongs to Him

The God who owns all things has made us stewards of that which belongs to Him.

Series 12 - Talk 09 - The Leader’s Status and Functioning

Series 12 - Talk 08 - The Leader’s Roles

Series 12 - Talk 05 - The Leader’s Sense of Identity

Series 12 - Talk 04 - The Leader as a Role Model of Heart

Series 11 - Talk 8 - The Five Levels of Leadership Summarised

Being a Godly leader is noble. Through Godly leadership, we aspire to the highest forms of leadership. We climb the leadership ladder by relying on God and building key relationships.

Series 11 - Talk 7 - The Personhood Level of Leadership

Biblical leaders like Samuel, David and Paul reached the level of 'personhood leadership'. People followed them for who they were and what they represented. This kind of leadership is what you, Christian leader, should aspire to.

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