My360 Helper

Series 11 - Talk 6 - The People Development Level of Leadership Towards Success

When leaders develop other people, they reproduce themselves. This development is done through the process of selection, association, and instruction. Reproducing yourself as a leader is of utmost importance.

Series 11 - Talk 5 - The People Development Level of Leadership and Mentoring

Christian mentoring has to do with conviction, character and competence. These are practical and personal qualities and essential in a leader's life. A Christian leader needs to know the heart of God in order to be an effective leader.

Series 11 - Talk 4 - The People Development Level of Leadership

A leader needs to pass on leadership qualities. Thus an established a leader needs to reproduce leadership qualities in others.

Series 11 - Talk 3 - The Production Level of Leadership

On the Production level a leader needs to produce results. Personal qualities and people skills are not enough to reach one's goal or produce results. Successes lead to confidence and gather momentum. Problems are solved easier.

Series 11 - Talk 2 - The Permission Level of Leadership

Leaders can take people much further when they willingly follow than when they are told authoritatively to follow. Both Jesus and Nehemiah motivated people to follow.

Series 11 - Talk 1 - The Position Level of Leadership

The five levels of leadership are like the rungs of a ladder towards transformational leadership. The levels grow from the Position level, to Permission, Production, People development and finally to the Personhood level.

Series 10 - Talk 16 - Dealing with Ego Problems

Some leaders lead in order to be recognized. A leader's ego can be his/her biggest downfall. Jesus was not so concerned about rewards from men rather just wanted to please His Father. Leaders today should assess why they lead.

Series 10 - Talk 15 - Jesus’ Example of Forgiveness

Every leader has been hurt. If that hurt festers, it can wreak havoc with our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As Jesus forgave, leaders today also need to forgive.

Series 10 - Talk 14 - How did Jesus Handle Anger?

Anger can be good or bad, but how Christian leaders respond to anger-inducing situations will reflect whether or not they are walking in Jesus' footsteps. Jesus controlled His anger, it never controlled Him.

Series 10 - Talk 13 - Handling Anger

Leaders become mature by dealing with anger the way Jesus did and by not letting their emotions get the better of them.

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