Beyond Logic

Will you trust God when it just doesn’t make sense initially? Will you serve Jesus in ways that were not your plan? Will you walk humbly with God when His abundance comes? God provides in many logical ways, but He also develops and calls His people to joyfully move with Him into a zone of greater faith.

Beyond Rejection

Your success and influence attracts your strongest critics. Rejection includes people who: want to control you, declare a small potential, enforce a limited framework, hold your past over you, and bring undermining lies. The power of Jesus and revival in a location are linked to the faith of the people. Like Jesus, let rejection fuel your mission and faithfulness.

Desperation and Deliverance

Ivor Poobalan from Sri Lanka guest speaker speaking on the prayer of faith and the power of Jesus from Mark 5:21-43

Beyond Fear

What storms are you facing? How are you overcoming fear? What does reliance on Jesus look like? Jesus reminds us that His presence makes all the difference. Jesus has power to rebuke the wind and the waves. Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

Beyond Religion

Have you ever experienced dead religion that tries to control Jesus and leaves guilt and shame? A Religious Mindset: 1) Majors on the minors and hinders the teachable. 2) Tries to control Jesus. 3) Does not see past personal preferences. 4) Values traditions and opinions over revelation. 5) Criticizes healthy freedoms. 6) Takes something good and taints it. A Jesus Encounter: 1) Brings a trustworthy morality. 2) Provides the rest and refreshment you need. 3) Displays His greatness in the darkness.

Beyond Oppression

What is the spiritual battle? What resources has God given you to walk in the light? How can you over come demonic What is the spiritual battle? What resources has God given you to walk in the light? How can you over come demonic activity? Jesus brings hope in the darkest situation. There is a path of healing and restoration, and God leads people into His presence and power. There is victory in Jesus’ name and with reliance on the Lord.


Life in the marketplace, Handling temptations, Responding to the government

Setbacks and Comebacks

Have you ever had a difficult employer or supervisor? How do you thrive in the marketplace and handle temptations? Are you navigating through tricky government policies? God gives hope and wisdom There are principles and power that can help you in the most challenging situations. Faith is developed in these situations, and you have many good options.

Multigenerational Relationships

Do you have close relationships with people from other generations? How do people who are much younger or older than you teach you about life? How is god glorified through unity? In a healthy community, the older ones live in a way that is worthy of respect. The younger ones live with a humble teachability and collaboration happens as generations inspire each other. We need to put aside preferences and opinions in order to value the greater community.

Conversations That Lead To Growth

When is it the right time to rebuke someone? How do you know which relationship risks to take? How honest are you with people when they hurt you? We all have Blindspots. We need each other to speak into our lives. It takes courage to confront someone when they are doing the wrong thing. True love brings out the best in everyone, including having the difficult conversations.

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