Authentic Love

If someone watched your life for 24 hours, how much love would they experience? Why is love primary and yet difficult to bring it consistently in our relationships? Who inspires you by the way they love people?

Multiplied Fruit

When Jesus changes your life and forgives your sins, He also gives you a divine purpose. Your healing, hope, and transformation is linked to how God wants to use you in other people's lives. Through relationships, love, and sharing your story, the impact is multiplied.

Discipleship Path

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who guides us forward as we take the next step of faith. Do not settle for regression or a stagnant apathy. Salvation, baptism, a church home, serving, community, making disciples, and leadership are examples of moving with and becoming like Jesus.

Healthy Groups

Following Jesus includes both "me" and "we." We often underestimate the "me" aspects of faith. Do you have a group of people who pray, study the bible, have an authentic love and are on mission together? This has always been Jesus's plan.

Focused Prayer

The harvest is plentiful but where are the workers? When you pray, God moves and His plans include you. God transform you into an answer prayer. Do you notice the pain that people carry? How can you be an instrucment of hope and healing?

Abide and Respond

Before Jesus's ascension, He guaranteed two promises: The Holy Spirit would come and He would return. The Holy Spirit is now available to you! Are you available to the Holy Spirit? To abide includes trusting, remaining and nearness. The Holy Spirit empowers and guides you daily.

Daily Grace

A relationship is not one day but every day. Closeness to God is not just one place but everywhere we live, work, learn, and play. Following Jesyus is not rooted in pride, fear, or selfishness but grace. The Christian life is not based on more self-effort but reliance on the Holy Spirit. God's grace is sufficient daily and eternally.


The followers of Jesus are often scattered, isolated and have built walls of seperation. Jesus, however, destroys the barriers of pride, fear, and resentment. In Jesus's longest recorded prayer, He continually cries out for our unity. A unity with purpose-- that the world would know who He is.


God can forgive our worst sins and decisions - come honestly to Him for reconciliation.

Pour It Out

Pour out your heart to God because He is trustworthy, strong, and loving.

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