Don't Stop Now
Stop creating and rationalizing premature finish lines because your calling is freedom.
God's Turning Point
God is mysteriously and graciously patient, but His answers and justice will ultimately not be denied.
Sleepless in Susa
God is more than capable of saving us in our time of misery. Do not lose heart, but trust in God for His providential care.
Good Plans and Bad Plans
Become an expert at discerning what is truly from heaven.
Underneath the Surface
God stirs you in the deepest ways, and His purpose radiates powerfully from you to other people.
Tackling Racism
Darkness makes plans and pursues people but will not prevail because of God.
Find and Walk Through God's Open Door
Your greatest opportunity often lies on the heels of a tragedy.
How to Respond to Rising Tension
As tension rises, you need to be more intentional to listen to God and honor Him.
The Usual is Over
God's love and goodness compel us to live extraordinary, unusual lives.
The Healing of God
Raw vulnerability and steadfast confidence in God's goodness invite God's healing work.