In the Journey
What is the goal and next steps in your walk with God? God is near to you in this epic journey. Similar to Abraham and the wise men. Faith moves your forward.
Taking the Initiative
Serving is the reason Jesus came to the earth. It is His heartbeat and the DNA of everyone who follows Jesus. How are you serving?
Who is in Control?
Are you adjusting well to God's direction and timing? In what ways do you need a shepherd? Will you let Jesus shepherd you?
Learning to Follow
Jesus is the good shepherd and completely trustworthy. Sheep face strangers, thieves, and temptations to wander. Listen closely to Jesus' voice.
Truth Brings Freedom
What truth is Jesus bringing into your life? Are you denying or ignoring truth? Truth exposes error, is a catalyst for change, and builds you up in the Lord.
When you do not have enough
How often do you run out of wisdom, patience, love, energy or hope? Where do you turn when you do not have enough? Jesus is thrilled when you turn to Him and trust Him!
It Is Time for Healing
Jesus brings physical, relational emotional, and soulful healing. Your role is the receive it in the way He brings it. Your soul is more important than your body.
Is There Something Better?
Jesus meets you when you are stuck in empty spirituality and searching for deep answers. Are you ready to let Jesus take your walls down?
A Growing Fire
Why does Jesus overturn the tables and make a whip? Do you understand all of the levels of this imporant story? What is Jesus' righteous anger?
Thirsty for Joy
Why did Jesus turn water into wine? Where do people search for joy? Are you bringing your deepest thirst to Jesus?