Principles for Discernment, Part 5

When you face a decision and you’re not sure which option most honors God . . . how do you sort out right from wrong? Fact is, you’ll probably face a situation like that today. Thankfully, Scripture helps you navigate those gray areas. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Principles for Discernment, Part 4

Many churches today are unable to distinguish truth from error. But that doesn’t have to be the case. There’s help at your side. It’s called discernment. To find out what discernment is, and how it guides you spiritually listen today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Principles for Discernment, Part 3

What should you do if your pastor says something that isn’t biblical? Maybe he’s creating confusion about a foundational Christian doctrine. Should you confront him? What if a friend — perhaps someone in your Bible study — believes something that runs counter to a clear biblical principle? How do you deal with that?

Principles for Discernment, Part 2

How would you respond if a friend asked you . . . How can I grow as a Christian? Well, perhaps the best answer you could give is . . . develop discernment. What is this spiritual skill and how do you cultivate it? What can you do to improve your ability, in separating truth from error? Find out today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Principles for Discernment, Part 1

It’s the most important issue you will face as you live out your Christian life in this world. What is it? In a word . . . discernment. But what exactly is discernment? And how do you cultivate it? Find out today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Implications of Evolution

When you say no to God, and you worship the creature more than the creator, all the lights go out, and you profess to be wise, but you are a fool. Don’t say it has no implications; it has massive implications. Hear more from John MacArthur, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Sufficiency of Scripture, Part 2

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John shows you why you can trust God’s Word to guide your every decision . . . strengthen you in any crisis . . . and bring you face to face with Jesus.

The Sufficiency of Scripture, Part 1

John MacArthur says, the Word is sufficient for cleansing, it’s sufficient for purifying the life, it is eternally relevant, it is all that is necessary for the cleansing of the soul. We do not need practitioners, we need the Word of God. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur

The Messengers of the King, Part 2

Maybe you haven’t thought of the twelve disciples as common folks — maybe you think of them as handpicked spiritual giants. But the fact is, the disciples weren’t that much different from you and me. And that should encourage you, especially if you believe you’re lacking skills and can’t be used by God. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Messengers of the King, Part 1

Jesus selected twelve men for His intimate circle of disciples. While you’re probably familiar with names like Peter, James, and John . . . what about the others — men like Bartholomew . . . Thaddeus . . . and Simon the Zealot? Why were they chosen — what made them stand out as potential servants of the Lord? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur

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