How to Study Your Bible - Closing the Gaps, Part 1
Maybe you’ve wondered why the Bible goes into so much detail about the decorations for Solomon's temple . . . or takes time to describe the rituals a healed leper must follow. How do these passages add to your love and worship and obedience to Christ? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
How to Study Your Bible - Interpretation, Part 2
How do you know for sure you’re rightly understanding the divine wisdom of the Bible. How can you avoid errors in your thinking . . . or falling into dangerous heresy? How can you make sure you’re getting it right? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
How to Study Your Bible - Interpretation, Part 1
Scripture is not just for preachers, theologians, or scholars. Serious Bible study is for you, no matter your educational background or how long you’ve been a Christian. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Inspiration of Scripture, Part 2
Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John will show you what the Bible itself says about how to study Scriptures . . . answering questions such as . . . what spiritual requirements do you need to determine what the Bible means? It’s part of John’s current study titled . . . How to Get the Most from God’s Word.
The Inspiration of Scripture, Part 1
You've seen the self - help books, heard the self - help talk shows different people . . . offering different solutions . . . to the same problems. Well, if you're looking for the One source you should trust . . . listen, Friday/tomorrow/today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
What It Takes to Study Gods Word, Part 2
Now, even if you became a Christian just a few weeks ago and you're reading the Bible for the first time, you may already have a better grasp on Scriptures true meaning than some of the most well - known Old and New Testament scholars in the world. Why is that? Find out, by listening to GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
What It Takes to Study Gods Word, Part 1
When you hear of an interesting book, you may talk to those whove read it, attend a lecture about it, check the reviews. But eventually, if you want to get anything out of that book, youve got to read it. Thats certainly true of the Bible. To truly be transformed by Gods Word, you need to read it on your own. Hear more, now on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Character of Gods Word, Part 2
How can you be sure every page, every passage of Scripture is trustworthy? And how should you respond when a family member, co-worker, or fellow student asks you why you believe the Bible is true? Find out by listening to GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Character of Gods Word, Part 1
Why do people around the world get up earlier than they have to each morning or go to bed later in order to read from a book written thousands of years ago? What makes the Bible worth studying? Find out by listening to GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Non-Negotiable of the Church - Honoring God's Word
Seems everywhere you turn today . . . everybody has an opinion. Opinions about the war on terrorism . . . the state of the economy . . . religion . . . government . . . and the family, to name a few. Question is . . . with so many opinions dotting the map, where should you pitch your tent? Whose opinion really matters? Find out, now on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.