Widows in the Church, Part 5
The vast majority of widows are over the age of 65 . . . live alone . . . and will live alone for more than a decade. So many women who need comfort — and tangible support — over so many years. Meeting all those needs seems overwhelming, doesn’t it? Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Widows in the Church, Part 4
Now, a lot has changed for women today, particularly in the West, but also throughout the world. More women than ever are working outside the home, staying single longer, and living on their own after a divorce. So . . . with so many women apparently self - sufficient, what does that mean for widows today? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Widows in the Church, Part 3
John MacArthur is showing you how Christians are to meet the needs of widows. Whether you’re caring for your own mother or grandmother — or might have to someday — or if there are widows in your church family . . . you need to hear what God’s Word says about this vital ministry. That’s, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Widows in the Church, Part 2
Now, when a wife loses her husband . . . has no children or grandchildren to take care of her . . . and has never worked outside of the home . . . what happens to her? What’s the church’s role in caring for someone with that kind of need? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Widows in the Church, Part 1
God has a special concern for meeting the needs of widows. Question is, what are the implications for you, and what’s the church’s responsibility? Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John MacArthur shows you why the answers to those questions are critically important for your church . . . and your own family.
The Song of Security
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Once saved . . . always saved.” But what does that mean really? Can you be a believer, commit some terrible sin — maybe even have a habit of sin — and still go to heaven? Is there ever a reason that Christ would turn you away, if you’re a Christian? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur,
Anxiety-Free Living, Part 4
Thursday/tomorrow/today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John makes the case that living without worry isn’t some unreachable goal . . . you really can experience what John calls anxiety-free living. That’s the title of his current study . . .Anxiety-Free Living.
Anxiety-Free Living, Part 3
In John MacArthur’s current study — Anxiety - Free Living — John shows you that in every circumstance, every relationship, and every season of life, your heavenly Father cares for you, is worthy of your trust, and is able to meet all your spiritual and physical needs. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
Anxiety-Free Living, Part 2
How do you overcome fear and anxiety? Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John will show you what Scripture says about how you can truly overcome fear and worry. It’s part of his series titled . . . Anxiety-Free Living.
Anxiety-Free Living, Part 1
Maybe you’re struggling with sickness . . . or you’re about to lose your job . . . or lose a loved one. You know that in situations like those, worry can move in. The danger is, worry can quickly control you if left unchecked. How do you keep that from happening? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.