“Creation Day 6, Part 1” (#2)

Having trouble believing that DNA could result from evolution, Nobel prize winning scientist Francis Crick came up with a stunning theory. He called it “directed panspermia,” saying that aliens brought DNA to earth. That’s one of the more creative—and tragic—ways brilliant people have tried to find an alternative explanation to the creation account in Genesis. You can know exactly how DNA, and everything else in this world, came to exist when John MacArthur returns to his study on the next GRACE TO YOU.

“Creation Day 6, Part 1” (#1)

You may not realize that a battle is happening right now in your community . . . in your neighborhood . . . perhaps even in your home. This isn’t a battle in military terms. It’s a battle of ideologies. What are the stakes? Find out today on GRACE TO YOU as John MacArthur makes his way through his study titled, The Battle for the Beginning.

“Creation Day 5” (#2)

If you check the news tonight, you’ll likely find multiple, seemingly unrelated stories that share a common bond. Stories, for example, about a proposed law to redefine gender, abortion rights, maybe a science piece discussing the latest thoughts on the origin of the universe. What is the common thread? A subtle—or not-so-subtle—rejection of the God who made us. How can you best defend biblical truth when it comes to those and other hot-button topics? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur’s going to help you with just that.

“Creation Day 5” (#1)

Do you use a computer, smartphone—some piece of technology—that you do not understand 100 percent? It’s not likely to keep you from using it, right? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur is going to he? you apply that principle to a vital biblical doctrine—the origins of the universe. He continues his look at The Battle for the Beginning by showing you that you don’t need to have an advanced degree in science or seminary training to defend what the Bible says about creation.

“Creation Day 4” (#2)

A university dean once reminded his audience that, like robots, “humans and other living things are just ‘bags of tricks’ . . . very good, evolved tricks.” Of course, you would expect secular scientists to accept evolution. But many churches have done the same thing by attempting to harmonize evolution with the biblical creation record. So, what do you think—did God use evolution to create the universe? John MacArthur addresses that and other questions on this edition of GRACE TO YOU.

“Creation Day 4” (#1)

A prominent biologist has said, “Evolution is doubted only by those who are ignorant of the evidence or [resist the evidence], because of emotional blocks or plain bigotry.” That’s a typical view today from scientists. Question is how does that view stack up against the biblical record? And how settled is science when it comes to the theory of evolution? Learn more when John MacArthur continues his study on GRACE TO YOU from Genesis 1 titled The Battle for the Beginning.

“Creation Day 3” (#2)

Perhaps you’ve been mocked for your firmly held belief in what Scripture says about creation. Maybe you’ve been told that science does not support what the Bible says about the origins of the universe. So, how do you answer those critics? Consider that today, as John MacArthur continues his study titled The Battle for the Beginning on GRACE TO YOU.

“Creation Day 3” (#1)

During a nationally televised creation-evolution debate on Canadian TV, the evolutionist defended his position by noting that, quote, “there is no debate within the scientific community on the occurrence of evolution.” In other words, all scientists believe evolution is true so, of course, you should too. Listen in when John MacArthur offers a biblical response to that argument on the next edition of GRACE TO YOU.

“Creation Day 2” (#2)

When you want the facts about some significant event, you know getting the details from a person who was there—especially if only one person was there—carries a lot of weight. That in mind, on GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues his study The Battle for the Beginning by looking at the eyewitness testimony of creation, the testimony from God Himself, and shows you why His Word on the subject carries not just some weight, but all the weight.

“Creation Day 2” (#1)

An article in The Washington Post once drew attention to activists who wanted parts of biblical creation taught in public schools. Scientists and teachers opposed the idea because they said that creation is based on theology, not science. As one educator put it “anyone who criticizes evolution is trying to undercut sound science education.” The question is what is sound science? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur shows you biblical answers to those questions.

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