My360 Helper

God’s Plan for Older Men and Older Women - Part 1

If you have workout equipment in your garage that only collects dust . . . what good is it? Well, that same principle applies to your Bible—if you don’t use it, you won’t benefit from it. So grab your Bible and follow along with John MacArthur as he shows you what it says about how to live a life that’s truly revolutionary.

Sound Doctrine Backed by Sound Living

What are the necessary roles of men and women in the home and the church? Or is the notion of well-defined roles no longer relevant? Well, I encourage you to consider what Scripture says about that . . . and how living according to God’s design is, frankly, revolutionary. Join John MacArthur for his study called . . . Revolutionary Living in a Dark Culture. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Bible Questions and Answers, Part 66

Ever been stumped by a Bible question . . . not knowing where to look for a clear and definitive answer? Well, you may have at least one of those questions cleared up today . . . as John MacArthur breaks from his normal verse-by-verse teaching format to answer questions from folks in the church he’s pastored for fifty-six years. Join him for a helpful Q&A.

Which Way to Heaven? Part 2

When I say the word happiness, what comes to mind? Maybe spending time with family . . . landing your dream job . . . or finding the spouse you’ve been waiting for. But do those things really lead to profound and lasting happiness? Consider that with John MacArthur as he continues his important study titled . . . what else? . . . True Happiness. Encouraging truth ahead on GRACE TO YOU.

Which Way to Heaven? Part 1

How do you define happiness? Some say it’s “a state of well-being and contentment” . . . or “a complex emotion characterized by fulfillment” . . . and there are no doubt countless other definitions. But what does the Bible say True Happinessis—what does it look like? And how do you find it? John MacArthur helps you answer those questions next on GRACE TO YOU.

Happiness Is... Part 2

There probably aren’t many subjects that are talked about and written about more than finding happiness. Of course, if you’re a Christian, you have everything you need to be truly happy right now. But what sort of happiness is that . . . and how do you take hold of it? Find out with John MacArthur in his study called . . . simply . . . True Happiness. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Happiness Is... Part 1

How can you know deep, lasting happiness in a world full of suffering? That is an important question, and thankfully, if you’re a Christian, the Bible gives you the principles and encouragement you need to experience real happiness, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. So join John MacArthur for a practical study he calls True Happiness. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Born to Holiness

You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason for that . . . when you devote yourself to reading and meditating on God’s Word, you’ll be continually reminded of the blessings of living a holy life. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur as he shows you the biblical path to holy living . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Whose Fault Is Our Temptation? - Part 2

From disease to crime to natural disasters to war . . . and to death itself . . . we’re living in a broken world, to be sure. So if God is good—and He is good—then why would He allow such suffering? In particular, why does He allow His children to face such trials? John MacArthur’s upcoming message may be just the encouragement you need.

Whose Fault Is Our Temptation? - Part 1

Maybe you know someone recently lost his job or his home. Maybe someone in your church is mourning the death of a loved one. Maybe you’re struggling with a painful hardship right now. Have you ever wondered how there could be any good purpose for the trials that you and others face? If so, I hope you join John MacArthur for some biblical encouragement.

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