The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 3a

Here are some important questions . . . and, really, they’re some of the most important questions anyone could ask: Can you lose your salvation in Christ? How can you be sure you haven’t lost it already? John MacArthur answers those questions . . . and helps you make sure you’re putting your faith where you should . . . in his series called . . . God Won’t Let You Go. . . on GRACE TO YOU. 

The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 2b

The impact of the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 was monumental. And that same year—just a few months before the launch of Apollo 11—John MacArthur launched his pastoral ministry that continues to this day . . . and with it, the Bible-teaching ministry of GRACE TO YOU. So join John for his encouraging study called . . . God Won’t Let You Go. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 2a

Do you have questions about the Bible? Well . . . you’re not alone. If you’re wondering what the Bible says about whether you can forfeit your salvation if you’re a believer in Jesus Christ, then join John MacArthur as he continues his encouraging study called . . . God Won’t Let You Go.

The Perseverance of the Saints, Part 1

If you have workout equipment in your garage that only collects dust . . . what good is it? Well, that same principle applies to your Bible—if you don’t use it, you won’t benefit from it. So grab your Bible and follow along with John MacArthur as he shows you what it says about the permanence of your salvation in Jesus Christ . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Provision, Proclamation, Privilege, and Purpose of the Good News - Part 2

You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason: When you’re constantly reading Scripture and meditating on its truth, the more you’re reminded of the good news of the gospel. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur as he continues his study . . . And Now for the Good News. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Provision, Proclamation, Privilege, and Purpose of the Good News - Part 1

A question for you: What is the gospel? Perhaps you know what the gospel is, but can you communicate it effectively? And do you know how it should transform your life? Those are just some of the issues John MacArthur addresses as he continues his study called . . . And Now for the Good News.

The Promise and the Person of the Good News

Here are some questions for you, How often do you think about giving the gospel to others? Is it something you struggle with? Maybe you’re not sure what to say or where to start? John MacArthur’s lesson today can help equip you to proclaim the gospel with boldness and clarity. So join him for his study . . . And Now for the Good News. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Preacher of the Good News - Part 2

Turn on the news tonight and you’ll probably hear about fatal accidents . . . murders . . . wars . . . a whole lot of bad news. It seems we’re surrounded by bad news every day. Well, get ready for some good news—in fact, the best news you will ever hear—as John MacArthur continues his look at the gospel titled . . . And Now for the Good News.

The Preacher of the Good News - Part 1

For over five decades, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time” . . . connecting as many people as possible with the life-changing truth of God’s Word . . . verse by verse. And this week, John will show you absolutely the best news you will ever hear—the gospel of Jesus Christ. Critical stuff, so listen to GRACE TO YOU.

The Miraculous Jesus - Part 2

How important is it to understand the real meaning of Christmas? What does the Bible say? Your answers to those questions have more implications for your life than you may think. For over fifty-five years, John MacArthur has been teaching the Bible . . . unpacking what Scripture says—including the amazing truth about Christmas. Join him for his study . . . The Jesus of Christmas. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

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