“The Transforming Effect of Loving Christ” (#1)

In John MacArthur’s 54 years as a pastor, he’s preached some of his most influential sermons to thousands of pastors at the annual Shepherd’s Conference. This week, John begins a study that answers the all-important question . . . what does it mean to follow Christ? Listen to GRACE TO YOU for this week-long series titled Lessons for a Modern-Day Disciple!

“The Resurrection of Believers” (#2)

Perhaps you’ve sat at the bedside of a loved one who has been ravaged by disease or your doctor has given you a diagnosis of cancer followed by the words “stage 4” or “terminal.” In those trials, what hope do you have? And what hope can you point others to? John MacArthur helps you with that when he presents his study The End Is Not the End on GRACE TO YOU.

“The Resurrection of Believers” (#1)

Have you thought about what it’s going to be like at your funeral? Well, if you’re a Christian, your funeral can be a time of joy. That can happen if your family knows exactly where you have gone and what it’s like there. Important points to consider on GRACE TO YOU when John MacArthur continues his study called, The End Is Not the End.

“The Uniqueness of Our Resurrection Bodies” (#2)

As you’ll hear on the next edition of GRACE TO YOU, death is “man’s greatest enemy”—we will all face it someday. The question is, are you prepared for death—and what comes after? With that question in mind, John MacArthur talks about the contracts between corruption and incorruption as continues his study The End Is Not the End.

“The Uniqueness of Our Resurrection Bodies” (#1)

When someone dies, you often hear that the person is at peace or that he’s gone to a better place. Well, I think we all can understand wanting to soften the harshness of death. But you don’t help people—in fact, you do great harm—if you avoid talking about the eternal implications of death. On this edition of GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur tackles this vital subject when he continues his study of The End is Not the End.

“What the Resurrection Means for You” (#2)

When a loved one is facing death, and one day we all will, there’s really only one thing that matters. That is, having hope for what comes after death. On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur’s going to show you what Christ’s resurrection means for the Christian and for the unbeliever. It’s a message taken from a compelling study he calls The End Is Not the End.

“What the Resurrection Means for You” (#1)

Search the Internet for the term anti-aging and you’ll find countless medicines, creams, and more, each of them essentially promising that life doesn’t have to change, and death is distant. Yet eventually, we all will die. So how can you face death with confidence and encourage those you love when they’re dealing with life-threatening illness or injury? Find out today on GRACE TO YOU, as John MacArthur begins a study titled, The End Is Not the End.

“Why Sunday is the Lord’s Day” (#2)

Thomas Kemble set sail from New England on a three-year business trip. When he returned home, he promptly kissed his wife on the porch of their house. Unfortunately, for that public display of affection, he was thrown into the stocks. The reason: that kiss took place on a Sunday violating Boston’s Sabbath laws. Clearly, those were extreme lengths to set apart Sundays. What does the New Testament say about the first day of the week? John MacArthur’s digging into that question and more as he continues his series on The Sabbath and Why We Worship on Sunday.

“Why Sunday is the Lord’s Day” (#1)

Perhaps you’ve seen the movie Chariots of Fire or heard Eric Liddell’s story. During the 1924 Olympics, Liddell dropped out of the 100-meter sprint—his best event—because the race was being held on a Sunday. The question is, was Liddell’s decision a personal conviction, or was it a matter of obedience to Scripture? Bottom line, is working, traveling, or enjoying leisure activities on Sundays forbidden in the Bible? John MacArthur helps answer that question on GRACE TO YOU as he continues his series, The Sabbath and Why We Worship on Sunday.

“Understanding the Sabbath” (#2)

For many Christians, Sunday is the new Sabbath. The day is reserved for worship at church and little else, no work, travel, or leisure. Others say Jesus overruled Old Testament law . . . which means Sabbath regulations don’t apply—Sunday is just like any other day. Then there are those who believe all the Old Testament Sabbath laws should still be kept on Saturday. So . . . how do you know what’s right? John MacArthur helps you understand the Sabbath—why God created it, and how we are to view it—here on the next edition of GRACE TO YOU.

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