The Lowly Walk, Part 2(#2)

If you met a Christian in middle America ... or in Tokyo ... or in Russia ... or anywhere at all ... you’d no doubt notice a few striking similarities ... patterns they’d all have in common despite their different life circumstances. Specifically, what would those similarities be? Find out as John MacArthur continues his series Getting in Step with the Christian Walk ... on the next GRACE TO YOU.

The Lowly Walk, Part 2(#1)

Thanks for tuning in for this mid-week edition of GRACE TO YOU, as John MacArthur continues his foundational study titled . . . Getting in Step with the Christian Walk. . . with a look at the remarkable power of God’s Word. In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn how to use Scripture in your daily battle against sin. It’s practical insight that can help you navigate a strained relationship . . . a stressful job . . . a moment of temptation . . . any circumstance.

The Lowly Walk, Part 1(#2)

ImagineIt’s one of the most basic commands in Scripture . . . that every Christian walk in a manner worthy of the gospel. So, what does that walk look like? How do you know if your life . . . well . . . honors Christ? And when you fight temptation . . . when sin frustrates you and your Christian walk stumbles . . . how should you respond? John MacArthur answers important questions like those here on GRACE TO YOU, as he continues his current study titled . . . Getting in Step with the Christian Walk. . . a series covering the basic steps you can take to live a life that honors Christ

The Lowly Walk, Part 1(#1)

It may seem like a waste of time . . . learning to put your right foot in front of your left . . . and do it as the same time as the rest of a platoon. But the truth is, if you can’t march . . . if you can’t follow simple orders . . . you’ll never master the more complex and difficult challenges of military life.In the same way, there are a few simple tasks—marching orders—you must master if you’re a Christian. John MacArthur explains today GRACE TO YOU in a study he’s titled . . . Getting in Step With the Christian Walk.

Rejoicing Always (#2)

It’s easy to be happy and content when things are going your way. But how can you be thankful when you’re mistreated . . . falsely accused . . . even when your life is in danger because of your faith? Bottom line, why should you still be grateful even when life is hard? John MacArthur shows you biblical answers to that question today on GRACE TO YOU as he continues a special week of broadcasts. Today’s sermon is titled . . . “Rejoicing Always,” and it just might help you cultivate thankfulness all year long.

Rejoicing Always (#1)

It’s become a day more associated with travel, eating, and football games than what American President Abraham Lincoln envisioned. It was in 1863 the president declared the first official Thanksgiving, a time for remembering “the gracious gifts of the Most High God.” And what’s perhaps most significant about Lincoln’s declaration is that it came in the middle of the U.S. Civil War . . . a reminder that even during serious troubles, God is gracious, merciful, and deserves our thanks.So even if you’re facing a time of testing today—Thanksgiving Day in the United States—join John MacArthur here on GRACE TO YOU as he looks at why, if you know Christ, you can rejoice in any circumstance.

In Everything Give Thanks (#2)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States . . . a wonderful time to reflect on God’s goodness. Of course, for Christians, every day should be a day of thanks . . . because of the profound blessings we have in Jesus Christ.That in mind, John MacArthur has a timely message today on GRACE TO YOU titled “In Everything Give Thanks” . . . helping you see the many, many reasons you have to give thanks no matter what you’re facing today—or face in the future.

In Everything Give Thanks (#1)

Thankfulness—it’s foundational to your spiritual heath . . . and one the easiest attitudes to neglect—even on the day bearing its name! So how do you cultivate a thankful attitude . . . both this holiday week in the United States and all year? Consider that today on GRACE TO YOU in a message John’s titled . . . “In Everything Give Thanks.”

What Makes Christians Most Thankful (#2)

This Thursday—Thanksgiving Day here in the United States—provides the perfect opportunity for you to pause and reflect on the things you’re thankful for. But have you ever wondered . . . what should make Christians most thankful? John MacArthur tackles that crucial question today on GRACE TO YOU . . . a practical lesson you’ll hear in a few moments.

What Makes Christians Most Thankful

A loving family . . . a steady job . . . or simply good health and good friends —they’re all things you can be thankful for. But what should make a Christian most thankful? John MacArthur shows you today on GRACE TO YOU as we launch a week of broadcasts to prepare you for next week’s Thanksgiving celebration here in the United States.

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