The Ordinary Church
There are pastors who believe that churches need to create extraordinary experiences for their people—that a church should have a reputation for being extreme . . . radical . . . or revolutionary. Well, today John MacArthur will show you why the best thing for you . . . and more important, the best thing for your church is actually to be ordinary. You’ll see what that means today as John continues his current series on . . . The New Testament, Beginning to End.
Four Ways to Miss Heaven
Jesus said that many people who believe in Him will not get into heaven. How can you make sure that you’re not one of them? How can you be sure that doesn’t happen to you . . . that you don’t miss out on heaven? John MacArthur answers that crucial question today on GRACE TO YOU in a message titled . . . “Four Ways to Miss Heaven.” It’s part of his series that’s taking you through . . . The New Testament, Beginning to End.
The Tale of Two Sons
The novelist Charles Dickens called the parable of the prodigal son the greatest short story ever written. You may have known the story since your earliest Sunday school days. But even though this parable is widely known . . . and, frankly, a pretty simple narrative . . . it’s one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible. How can that be—what’s to misunderstand? Well, for starters, it’s not just a story about one son . . . it’s really. . . The Tale of Two Sons.
How to Play Church
On February 9, 1969, John MacArthur stepped into the pulpit of Grace Community Church. Since then, he has preached Sunday after Sunday . . . teaching verse by verse through every book of the New Testament.Today on GRACE TO YOU, you’re going to hear the first sermon John preached as the pastor of Grace Church. It’s part of perhaps his most unique series. It’s titled . . . The New Testament, Beginning to End.
The Disastrous Sin Of Lying
For most of human history academics would have agreed with Martin Luther King Jr. when he said, “education must enable one to . . . discern truth from error, the real from the unreal.” But now, that would be called beyond old fashioned. Truth professors will tell you is not only unknowable but a hostile concept. After all it could hurt someone. That’s today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
The Outrage of Idolatry
You hear a lot of talk these days about identity . . . gender identity specifically. Some have decided that what it means to be a male . . . and what it means to be female . . . are open for debate. Does the same open debate apply to what it means to be a Christian? In other words, do you decide what it means to be a Christian—and what it looks like to follow Christ—or is your spiritual identity fixed, unchanging? John MacArthur’s going to answer that question today on GRACE TO YOU.
The Truth About Idolatry (#2)
Today, John MacArthur will show you why your liberty is less about what you can do . . . and more about your relationship with God—and your willingness to obey Him. Today’s lesson is part of his study on GRACE TO YOU titled . . . Pitfalls of Christian Liberty.
The Truth About Idolatry (#1)
If you’re an American you know you are entitled to certain rights—free speech, freedom of religion, trial by jury. These are guarantees that no one should be able to take away from you and you should never give them up. But can the same be said of your freedoms in Christ? Should you hold onto those blessings with a tight fist? Or if not, when should you—and why should you—lay them down?John MacArthur gives you practical wisdom on GRACE TO YOU as he continues his look at the . . . Pitfalls of Christian Liberty.
The Danger of Overconfidence, Part 3 (#2)
Every trial you face—whether it’s the pain of watching a child suffer with illness, financial hardship, loss of a job, or mockery from the nonbelieving world—is an opportunity to honor God. But those trials can also lead to temptation . . . you might waiver in your faith, lie to keep your job, or hide your Christian beliefs. So, how do you keep your trials from leading to sin? John MacArthur shows you today as he continues his study titled . . . Pitfalls of Christian Liberty.
The Danger of Overconfidence, Part 3 (#1)
The chance to cut corners at work . . . the pressure to hide your Christian beliefs . . . The opportunities for sexual sin. How do you fight life’s temptations? Find out today on GRACE TO YOU as John MacArthur continues his series from 1 Corinthians 10, titled . . . The Pitfalls of Christian Liberty.