My360 Helper

Take Hold of Life That Is Really Life

Does trusting God with everything really include our finances? How can we truly life the abundant life to which Jesus referred?

When God Wants to Build a Man

Where is God when times get tough? How come there always seems to be some difficulty to overcome in life?

The Wounded Warrior

Life can be tough! Even those who follow after God can encounter hurts and experience pain. How can one overcome the negative impact on one's life and be victorious?

Sex and Moral Purity

This issue affects every man whether directly or indirectly. What is it? Listen in to today's episode to not only find out what it is, but what to do about it.

Filling the Gaps

Gap? What gap? Is there a gap between what God designed marriage and how we see it today? If so, what can we do about it?

The Godly Husband

What does it mean to lead a family? How does one go about being (becoming) a godly husband? What leadership characteristics should be exemplified?

Turning the Heart of Fathers to Their Children

What 3 principles are given in the Bible to guide fathers in raising their children? Do you know them and practice them already? Great! If not, listen in and learn.

Who is in Control?

How could this have happened? Is it my fault? How did life in my home spiral out of control so quickly? Ever ask these questions? They will get addressed in this episode. Listen in.

The Real Measure of a Man

What do you do when someone you love but is hurting, hurts you in your weak area?

Who is Jesus?

If you could spend a whole day with someone who is a master in his craft, who would it be? Which master of his craft is, in fact, wanting to spend time with you? What do you know about Jesus?

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