Establishing and pursuing goals is so important in life. Unfortunately, some individuals never set or pursue
goals and others lose focus of their goals leading to a great disappointment in life. What happens if we
don’t continue pursuing godly goals?
Do you see people as riches and value others like God does? In our story today we find God looking for
someone who will value and love people as He loves people. We will be reminded of the love of God for
us and His great love and value of all people.
Church discipline in our world today is virtually nonexistent. Some churches have gone through negative experiences when they have tried to implement discipline, so they have chosen to back off from biblical mandates. Pastors and church leaders often choose to ignore the topic out of fear of offending anyone. Church leaders don’t want to make any waves, lose people, or be considered legalistic, judgmental or anti-grace. The Church has chosen to look the other way in honor of people at the expense of the honor and righteousness of God.
So what is God’s purpose for us as individuals and for us as a church? We are going to take our statement of purpose and look into what it means for each of us. My hope is that by the end of this series we will have a better understanding, a great grip and an internal motivation to be involved in pursuing or purpose as a church.
Many nations set aside a day to remember those who have given their lives to defend freedom. We can thank God for those individuals and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom only comes with a price. There has never been any freedom or liberty without the shedding of blood and great sacrifice.