No Chapter Break

Ephesians 4 going into Chapter 5 should not have a chapter break. Why?

The Devils in the Pyracantha

The motivation of grace will always bear greater fruit than demand or coercion.

For Freedom

This week we take a short break from the Theology of Jesus series and talk about one of our favorite bedrock verses.


Today on the podcast we are talking about, "if I actually believe in grace, then won't I get lazy and stop striving for excellence?"

Trust Must be Earned

This week John takes us through the story of a hard season with his daughter. He realized that his expectation of trust didn't fit with how active he had been in her life. This epiphany lead to a profound year in their relationship of rebuilding trust together.

We Must Not Speak Of

How do you avoid falling right back into measuring your standing with God on how you behave. Ephesians 5 gives us insight.

When We Assume Motive

In this week's story from On My Worst Day, we see that in an environment of grace, we are endeavoring to give others the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their motive.


The third rung on the character ladder is obedience. Without obedience I will not truly know who I am and I will not experience the best of what God has for my life.Ê

Here and Now

As we come to the end of John Chapter 17 we discuss if Jesus really meant that we share in His Glory now.

Get After It

If I believe in grace won't I stop trying to battle sin? Talking Grace Fears on the podcast.

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