Mouth Health - Dr Ellie Campbell

The inter-connectiveness of the human body is just now beginning to be fully understood by the scientific community  Board certified physician Ellie Campbell says that  no cardiovascular disease prevention program is complete without significant attention to oral health.

Gender Identity Disorder - Dr James Marcum

There are many moral and spiritual issues surrounding the gay and lesbian reality of today’s world. However, there’s another issue often overlooked. Health. Author and counselor Denise Shick examines the sometimes devastating health challenges facing those with Gender Identity Disorder.

Digital Dangers - Dr Rose Gamblin

Ipods, Ipads, smart phones, laptops, tablets, WII-FI, streaming content. We’re drowning in a digital sea! Dr. Rose Gamblin insists that all of those zeros and ones blasting into our lives may not be in the best interest of our physical and mental health.

Forks Over Knives Family - Dr Alona Pulde

The good folk at Forks Over Knives are turning their attention homeward with the release of “Forks Over Knives Family, every parent’s guide to raising healthy, happy kids on a whole-food, plant-based diet.” Physician Alona Pulde provides insights.

New Trends - Dr James Marcum

First the bad news. Our hearts are in trouble. They’re stopping prematurely at an alarming rate. But, there’s good news. Modern medicine is on the job, coming up with new ways to keep us alive. Dr. James Marcum, founder/director of Heartwise Ministries, offers a peek at the new trends designed to save us.

Blood Pressure Control - Dr David DeRose

Blood pressure is essential to life. High blood pressure can end it. Dr. David DeRose shares insights from his new book “Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control.”

Smoke Signals - Laurent Huber

The far-reaching dangers of smoking have been known for decades. So, you’d think we’d know better than to light up. But listen to this: If left unchecked, tobacco will kill one billion people in the 21st century. Laurent Huber, executive director of Action on Smoking and Health provides insights.

The Reason Why Part 2 - Dr James Marcum

Welcome to part two of a compelling presentation that Dr. James Marcum, founder/director of Heartwise Ministries, offered at the Chattanooga First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tennessee. Our actions make a huge and sometimes long-lasting difference when it comes to health. But there’s good news for even the sickest among us.

The Reason Why Part 1 - Dr James Marcum

Sometimes, when we’re sick, the best question to ask is: “Why am I sick?” Finding that answer often leads to healing. Dr. James Marcum, founder/director of Heartwise Ministries, recently addressed a large group of church goers in Tennessee on this topic. This is part 1 of that timely presentation.

Food Desert - Audrey Morris

42.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 13.1 million children. One West Virginia town is taking on that challenge. Audrey Morris, director of Starting Points of Morgan County reveals their battle plan.

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