God Relented of the Disaster

You Brought Up My LIfe From the Pit

Did a large fish really swallow a man? Did that man go on to a city inland? How could these be true? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham brings understanding to these questions in today's sermon as preached in Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Hurl Me Into the Sea

Why did Jonah tell the sailors to toss him overboard? What was he motivation? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham shares various options and opinions on them in this sermon delivered at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Who Are You?

Fear! Panic! Desperation! Yet Jonah slept through the start of the storm. The captain asked Jonah how, and who Jonah was. How did Jonah answer? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham shares the answer in this sermon delivered at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Common Good and Common Grace

How should you handle being in close company with people who are drastically different than you? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham addresses this issue in today's sermon delivered at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Boasting vs Humility

Why would God say a wise man should not boast in his wisdom? What does God say is better to do than boast?

Hope In God

It is only a coronavirus, so why are you so downcast as if God is not in control?

But the Lord Hurried a Great Wind Upon the Sea

What does it mean that God would "hurry" a great wind upon the sea? Why would a loving God do that? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham shares why in this sermon first preached at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

But Jonah Rose to Flee

Why didn't Jonah want to obey God? How might we be more like Jonah than we care to admit?

Hearing and Keeping, Seeing and Believing

Jesus gave His hearers one last review of why He should be believed and trusted. What was in His last appeal to them? In today's sermon, Pastor Isaac Mooneyham studies the contents of Jesus' last appeal.

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