The Way We Were

How do the "saved" people in the church interact with the "unbelieving, unsaved" people who are outside the church? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham shows from scripture how in this sermon preached at Wake Chapel Christian Church in Fuguay-Varina, NC.

What Accords With Sound Doctrine - Part 3

Have you ever wondered if what you believe is really what you should be believing? How sound is your doctrine? How do you know if you have sound doctrine? Is it more important who you are or what you do? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham continues the series in Titus in today's sermon at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

What Accords With Sound Doctrine - Part 2

What do you believe about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? How do those beliefs affect your behavior? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham continues the study of Titus 2 in this sermon delivered at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

What Accords With Sound Doctrine - Part 1

What does "Believing is behaving" mean? What does the Bible have to say about "old folks"? The first part of Titus chapter 2 is the focus of today's sermon at Wake Chapel Christian Church delivered by Pastor Isaac Mooneyham.

Fakes, Phonies and Frauds

Have you ever done a depravity check on yourself? What's a depravity check? Why bother? In today's sermon at Wake Chapel Christian Church, Pastor Isaac Mooneyham explains what a depravity check involves and why it is vitally important for you to do.

A Few Good Men

How do you know if your church has good leadership? How do you measure it? Is there a certain structure of church leadership? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham continues his new series on Titus at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Introduction to Titus

How do you measure a church? What makes it successful? What would it look like if it was deemed successful? Is it measured by numbers only? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham begins a study in Titus at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Bring the Book

What does it mean to "Respect" something or someone? What signifies being respectful? In this moving transitional service, new Pastor Isaac Mooneyham addreses Wake Chapel Christian Church on his first Sunday as pastor.

A Spiritual Fitness Program

Would you like to be physically healthy as you are spiritually healthy? How healthy would you be? Dan Peters addresses this topic in today's sermon delivered at Wake Chapel Christian Church.

Lies People Believe

Are there lies in the Bible? In this sermon delivered at Wake Chapel Christian Church, Dan Peters addresses an unusual topic of lies in the Bible and lies which people believe.

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